The traditional clothing of the Vikings and Slavs in the early medieval period represent a huge challenge to us. Textile discoveries of that period are plentiful but the reconstruction of a particular outfit is the subject of much debate in archaeology. Based on current techniques, old publications are being revised, to extract new knowledge. In our portrayal period there were only a few pictorial and written sources, as the written word only began to grow in significance with Christianity.

By looking closer you can see that each member of our group selected their fabrics and jewellery according to the social status they are trying to display in our community.
We pass on the tailoring craft to interested parties in small lectures and present our variety of clothes everywhere where we are to be found.
We are left with some scope to interpret the clothing of the Vikings and Slavs through the handing down by mouth of old Nordic sagas, the pictorial portrayal on stone carvings and wall tapestries as well as textiles found in our portrayal areas.
We apply what we know! We use exclusively animal and plant fibres like wool, linen, hemp, stinging nettle, silk and other animal hairs. Our garbs are sewn by hand with a range of reconstructed stitch types. Moreover, we only use fabrics whose weaving patterns are proven against archaeological finds for our period of portrayal.